Siapa yang tak kenal diktator yang 1 ini,selama beberapa pekan bahkan sampai sekarang ia terus menjadi buah bibir masyrakat dunia…
Dialah Muammar Gaddafi …Seorang dictator dengan selera otomotif yang tinggi
Pada tahun 2009 lalu Gaddafi membuat design mobilnya,mobil yang diberi nama Saroukh el-Jamahiriya (Libyan Rocket)
Mobil berkapasitas 5 orang tersebut dibekali mesin V6 230 Hp(wooow,bener2 roket).
Alasan kenapa Gaddafi membuat mobil itu karena tingkat kecelakaan yang tinggi di Libya,dan dia akan mengkampanyekan safe riding pada masyarakatnya (wow,kalo mobilnya kayak gini sih kayaknya makin banyak kecelakaan,enak diajak ngebut sih
Hmmmm tanpa panjang lebar plus susah ngartiin bahasa Inggris (
) mari kita liat mobilnya gan…
Here is the 2009 version of Muammar Gaddafis "Saroukh el-Jamahiriya (Libyan Rocket)" a car which made its debut in 1999, exactly 10 years ago. The “Libyan Rocket”, as the prototype is called, is described as an “elegant sedan” 17 feet long, more than six feet wide, with a 3-liter, V-6 gasoline engine. According to the BBC and Fox News, it also has airbags, an unspecified ‘electronic defense system’, and a collapsible bumper. The car can go hundreds of miles on a flat tire, a feature that could come in handy while driving in the vast Libyan desert. Other safety features include a device to cut off the fuel supply to avoid a fire in case of accident. Domenico Morali, CEO of Tesco TS SpA, an automotive design company based in Turin, Italy, said Qaddafi joined in discussions about the car’s styling and asked for an original car using Libyan materials including marble, leather and fabric. The car was unveiled in Tripoli at the end of an African Union summit. According to the BBC, construction of a factory to produce the car was to have began in October 2009 in Tripoli. |
Aerodinamis,keren,dan kencang mobilnya,cocok dengan namanya "Roket Libya"
Harga versi pertama mobil ini (Tahun 1999) 2jt euro
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